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Module Installation

To extend the functionality of the system, you can install additional modules. The installation process is simple and requires minimal actions.

How to Install a Module:

  1. Unpack the module archive you received.
  2. Move the module folder to the modules directory of your project.
  3. Rebuild the server using the following command:
  4. In the script menu, select option 6) Rebuild project to rebuild the project.
  5. Done — the module is installed, and further rebuilds of the drainer library are no longer required.

Installing the FusionRouterX Module

The FusionRouterX module consists of two parts — the module and the contract:

  1. Unpack the contract archive.
  2. Move the contract folder to the contracts directory of your project.
  3. Rename the folder to fusion-router-x.
  4. Unpack the module archive.
  5. Move the module folder to the modules directory.
  6. Rebuild the server using the following command:
  7. In the menu, select option 6) Rebuild project to apply the changes.

Installing the FusionCrasher Module

The FusionCrasher module consists of two parts — the module itself and a contract:

  1. Unpack the contract archive.
  2. Move the contract folder to the contracts directory of your project.
  3. Rename the folder to fusion-crasher.
  4. Unpack the module archive.
  5. Move the module folder to the modules directory.
  6. Rebuild the server using the command:
  7. Select option 6) Rebuild project in the menu to activate the changes.

After the rebuild, the FusionRouterX module will be installed and ready for use.